Previous Services
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Why Do We Worship?
Pastor Ryan’s first service with us.
Sermon based on Psalm 48
Whatever Is Good
Pastor Mark’s last Sermon prior to retirement.
Philippians 4:1-9
This is a reflection of all the good that God has helped us do together in the past 20 months. No tears. No regrets. Seamless transition. Powerful future. Be the Flame that draws people to Christ Jesus.
God’s Secret Source of Wisdom and Power
Giving and Receiving Forgiveness
Matthew 6:9-14
Memorial Day emerged shortly after the Civil War to reconcile our nation on the basis of giving and receiving forgiveness. Immediately after the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6 Jesus comments on only one thing from that prayer. That one thing is so important that Jesus said God would not forgive us if we did not practice it.
There Are No Solo Christians
Ecclesiastes 4:7-12
70% to 80% of Christian youth leave the church when they leave for college. Adults have the same problem. A firebrand of wood loses its flame fairly quickly when removed from the rest of the wood in the fire. There is power in small groups who support you, particularly when you don’t think you need their support. That’s why I have an accountability person. God’s fire is way too valuable to risk extinguishing.