How Do I Know What God’s Will Is?

Romans 12:1-2
O.K. I’ve moved on from just being a church member (1st base). I’ve dug some deep roots (2nd base) in Scripture, Sunday school, sermons, and seminars. I’ve experienced the filling and gifting of the Holy Spirit to equip and empower me (3rd base). How can I be sure that I’m using my time and talents in the best way (home plate…where runs are scored)? There are so many ministry possibilities out there.

Life In The Spirit Experience

Our “Life In The Spirit Experience” seminar this weekend concludes with worship this morning. Mr. Gary Todd, director of the weekend conference, will bring the morning message. Gary is a lay person who has led these retreats across the United States and in several foreign countries. He is the comptroller for a large construction company inCleveland, Ohio.

The Unity of the Spirit

Ephesians 4:1-6 Unity is a work of the Holy Spirit in a believer and in a local church. It is a miraculous work, much needed for the church to have authority in a skeptical world. God works toward reconciliation individually first, drawing us to Himself in love. Then through the Spirit, God works to reconcile believers in the body of Christ.

Everybody Gets The Fruit of the Spirit

Galatians 5:13-26
Can a tiger really change its stripes? Can a person really change his/her personality? Can the most vial person become transformed with righteous character qualities? According to the human owner’s manual (Bible) the original manufacturer(God) has designed such a conversion kit for our spirit.

A Walk Through Acts with the Holy Spirit

Acts 2:1-13
Possibly the greatest evidence for the resurrection of Jesus from the dead is the fact that every disciple was willing to die a tortuous death (and most did), as did many other Christians to the lions and gladiators, before they would deny Jesus. People don’t give up their life for a lie! What turned the disciples from cowards in hiding to victorious witnesses virtually overnight?

Do You Love Me?

Acts 1:1-11
Falling in love is one of the greatest experiences anyone can have. There is added energy, resolve, excitement, and joy. God so loved the world that He gave His only Son. God desires so much for us to love Him back. But human love leaks. The added energy, resolve, excitement, and joy of falling in love return to their normal state in due time. What if we could experience falling in love all over again? What if God could put that Spirit inside us permanently?