“From Stressed to Blessed”

Psalm 23

Synopsis: From this familiar psalm come seven habits that will help to eliminate stress. Understanding what God says about rest and why resting one day every week made God’s Top Ten Commandments will open the door to peace in your life and will increase your physical health.

“Getting Closer to God”

Luke 15:11-24

Synopsis: The farther away I get from God, the more my life is troubled. The closer I get to God, the more my life is transformed. This very familiar story of the Prodigal Son contains 4 ways to get closer to God and to discover how that transforms my spiritual health.

“Setting Personal Goals by Faith”

Philippians 3:7-16

Synopsis: I don’t want to wait until I stand, as all of us will, before the Great Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ and THEN realize God’s purposes for my life. I want to know now what God’s goals are for me and how to achieve them. It is never too late to begin this as long as I have breath.

“The Transformation of the World”

John 15:18 – 16:11

Synopsis: In the 1800s evangelists traveled throughout the prairie towns of America and saw whole communities come to Jesus Christ in a single night. I asked God whether I could live long enough to see a whole town or city transform to Jesus Christ. I haven’t gotten a definite “yes,” but I’ve seen amazing things.